Saturday, July 18, 2020


"MARS is the famous “red planet”, and is not surprisingly named after the Roman god of war.

Mars is only about half the diameter of Earth, and one tenth the mass. In fact, it is roughly intermediate in size between the earth and our moon. Mars itself has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, but they are much tinier than our moon and orbit much closer.

Mars’ famous redness is caused by ferric (iron) oxide, basically rust. Mars has polar ice caps, which grow and shrink visibly over the seasons. But they comprise mainly dry ice, or solid carbon dioxide.

The Hebrew word for “stars”, כוֹכָבִים kôkābîm, refers to any bright object in the sky, so includes objects that become ‘shooting stars’ (meteors), planets of our solar system, and by extension, any planets around other stars.
So Mars was created on Day 4 of Creation Week, three days after Earth, about 6,000 years ago.

-Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835–1910), who claimed that he had found long straight lines on Mars that he called canali. This is actually Italian for “channels”, but was mistranslated “canals”, yet he didn’t rule out that they might be artificial.
-This inspired American businessman and astronomer Percival Lowell (1855–1916) to study Mars
extensively, and he thought that the “canals” were built by an intelligent civilization to tap the polar icecaps, which he thought was the last source of water for a dying world.
-But Vincenzo Cerulli (1859–1927) showed that these canals/channels didn’t even exist, but were an optical illusion. Similarly, a much-touted giant “face” on Mars was conclusively proven to be an illusion from shadows of an ordinary land mass.

Since Mars is not that much further from the sun than Earth, and is freezing, it shows how finely God tuned the earth’s orbit to support life."